September 21, 2007
Board of Director Candidate Chats Scheduled
The NAFA Election committee is pleased to announce a series of chat
opportunities for candidates in the 2007 NAFA Board of Directors and Executive Director
elections. These chats have been scheduled with minimal input from any of the
candidates. We are hopeful that each candidate will participate to the
extent they are able. Given the scheduling technique, we do not believe
that a candidate's ability to participate in the chats should be an
indicator of their level of interest in the position they seek.
The candidates for the three open NAFA Director positions are:
And for Executive Director (running unopposed):
Each chat will be moderated and a transcript posted to the NAFA website
after the chat. The chats will begin at 7pm Central Daylight Time -
candidates and other participants may join at various times based on their
commitments and time zones. Chats will run until discussion is reasonably
exhausted or about 9:30pm CST. The dates were scheduled across a variety
of days of the week and spread over about a month to provide a broad range
of opportunities for candidates and other participants.
The scheduled dates are:
Thursday, October 11th
Wednesday, October 24th
Wednesday, November 7th
To access the chat, go to during the scheduled times.
Questions can be addressed to