Transcript for the NAFA Candidate Chat December 16th, 2017



Good morning and welcome to the third and final candidate chat. I am Dana Hanson, elections chair, and will serve as moderator today. Kyle Mankes, also of our election committee, serves as bouncer today. Please remember when asking a question of the candidates to submit it to me as a personal message and beginning your note exactly: //pm DanaHanson.

2 hours ago


With us today are Aaron Robbins, Emma Mak, Jan Brule, Kathy Haney, Lisa Daum and Lynda Mantler. John Forseth is working through some connectivity issues. Candidates please prepare your opening remarks.

2 hours ago


Hi there! Thanks to everyone joining in for the last chat to find out about the candidates’ views. I really enjoyed the last one, as the questions were interesting and almost everyone came. Thanks so much to Dana Hanson, Kyle Mankes and the Election Committee for arranging and running the chats.

2 hours ago


Hello everyone, If you are here reading the transcripts, you really care about flyball and that is wonderful to see. I’d like to thank those that have organized and are moderating this chat. It is an honour to be here with you today, fellow candidates and those reading online as we get to know more about the great slate of candidates. I am ready to go!

2 hours ago


Good morning all. I would like to again thank all involved in our election process. I look forward to our discussion this morning. I am honored to be nominated and hope to have the opportunity to serve on the board.

2 hours ago


Good Morning Everyone! I’d really like to thank all of your for taking time out of your busy holiday schedule to chat with myself and the other candidates.

2 hours ago


Good Morning! Thanks everyone for joining and being involved in the future of NAFA. Thankful for this platform to communicate with all of. thanks to everyone who can make it happen

2 hours ago


Good morning everyone. I would like to thank everyone for joining us and for the opportunity to give you a chance to learn more about me and what I can bring to the Board of Directors. I am a 16+ year veteran of flyball and have run my own club for the last 8 years. We have host 2 tournaments per year and I have very strong relationships with the other clubs in Regions 6 & 16. I think NAFA is ready for some significant changes and I would like to help that happen.

2 hours ago


From Steve Corona: Between serving on Committees, travel to meetings, the AGM, and CanAm, the Board has the potential to be a very time consuming position at times. How are you prepared to fit this into your already busy family and work life balance?

2 hours ago


I am eager to serve on the board and participate at every board meeting. It is important for board members to attend the meetings. I will make the time to do this. Yes, I am busy in my work and home life but because I am passionate about flyball this is fun work for me. There is a quote that I like: “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.”
This past year I have attended every in person board meeting and all but one telephone meeting which I had to miss due to a work function. I emailed my thoughts on the agenda items in advance of the meeting and then after the meeting I arranged a phone conversation with the Chairman of the Board in order to be informed of the discussions that took place during the meeting. 

1 hour ago


It is a big time commitment. I feel it’s really important to not let the NAFA community and other board/committee members down, and would be making it a top priority to contribute and attend all of the above. I have already take on a lot with my committee work and proven myself a valuable contributing member, so the workload will not be a surprise for me. The saying goes – if you want something done, ask a busy person. I have 4 kids (and lots of dogs – as we all do lol), but do have flexibility with my part-time work from home.

1 hour ago


Great minds think alike, Emma!

1 hour ago


Well since I am self employed I have the oppoturnity to plan my schedule around important dates and events. I dont have any children so home life is pretty easy to get away. Of course I have other things on the go but I have a great partner that can fill in the spaces when I have a board commitment.

1 hour ago


Currently, my schedule has been much less active and I have plenty of time to devote to all of these. When I'm involved in something I give 100%. Being in the Navy, one of the things that you learn is all about commitment and teamwork. I'm prepared to commit and be a part of the NAFA Board.

1 hour ago


Fortunately for me I am at a place in my life where I have the time to devote to this. I have been reluctant in the past to step into this role due to the time constraints and would not want to be unable to fully commit to it. I spend a lot of time with my flyball club and now have more time to devote to the entire sport through NAFA.

1 hour ago


It is a commitment that I discussed with not only my wife but some members on the board and my flyball team. When I take on new task I like to break down the big picture into smaller pieces. It allows me to be flexible with my time.

1 hour ago


I am understand that being a member of the board would be very time consuming. However, flyball is already a huge part of my life and finding time to serve on the board would not be an issue. I am at a point in my life where I am able to juggle my job responsibilities and my other interests.

1 hour ago


From the Moderator: What do you believe are the characteristics of a great board member?

1 hour ago


As the candidates respond: While this is the third and final chat, if you have unanswered questions for any of our candidates after this chat concludes, please reach out to them directly. A frequent criticism of your board is communication. This is your opportunity to open a channel with each of our candidates.


1 hour ago


I would think that a great board member would be a strong contributor with their time and talents, would have strong views, but be open-minded, would be supportive of other board members, but most especially would be open and seek out communication with NAFA flyball members.

1 hour ago


• A passion for the cause - working to make flyball better and bring in new ideas
• Respect for others - very important for having a cohesive and productive working environment.
• Thoughtful ability to consider issues, and to articulate those thoughts
• A sense of responsibility for making things happen
• The vision to think beyond today

1 hour ago


Someone that is open minded to understand that their personal agenda might need to take a backseat for the better of the organization. The ability to listen to many different views and put them together to work out the best possible solution.

1 hour ago


First and foremost the ability to truly listen to others' points of view and to assume that everyone's opinion has value. Also the ability to be able to present and stand behind your own opinion without stomping on other people.

1 hour ago


I believe a great board member is someone who is open to new ideas and change. Someone that is not afraid to tackle the tough issues. Someone with good communication skills and is enthusiastic and passionate about the sport.

1 hour ago


I believe the characteristics of a great board member would include a pre-existing passion for the cause,
eagerness to participate at every meeting, willing to prepare ahead for meetings, to be anxious to serve on committees, and a strong desire for stewardship to others.

1 hour ago


To be a great board member you need to be efficient, effective and to adhere to the current processes in place as well as developing new processes to take NAFA to the next level. To listen to your Nafa Members, and BOD Members ideas and concerns and to communicate appropriately.

1 hour ago


From the moderator: Identify NAFA’s strengths as you see them as well as its weaknesses (or areas for improvement, if you prefer) as an organization.

1 hour ago



1 hour ago


Strengths - Great Members, Detailed Rulebook, yearly championship, great title awards

1 hour ago


Strengths - A lengthy history of being a well run organization, a really well run yearly championship, provides great access to information and to the BoD

1 hour ago


While our candidates respond, remember to vote. Polls close Monday, January 22, 2018, at midnight CST.

1 hour ago


I think that NAFA is: organized, they want to see flyball move forward, they try to promote flyball and its membership. They try to give all members the opportunity to play and compete whether you have a fast team or a "for fun" team.

1 hour ago


I realize that the status quo is not good enough in organizations. If we stay the way we are, we are actually falling behind other organizations that are making advancements and taking some of our members. We need to continue to evolve and improve. There is competition out there which definitely makes us better. We need people who are open minded and willing to make changes that will make our sport better. 
Ie, new awards, new tournament formats, new technology, exploring ideas from the membership. The order that the Invitational classes were run at CanAm this year is an example of doing something different that had a positive effect on the tournament and the idea of a practice start was something that was brought forward from the open class changes feedback emails. 
A great strength of NAFA are the members that continue to step up to contribute and have chosen NAFA as their choice of organization to compete in. There are a lot of dedicated individuals who work very hard behind the scenes.

1 hour ago


Sorry, hit enter before I was done.

1 hour ago


Weaknesses - Communication with Members, Website isnt user friendly or well organized, Financial Statements (After reviewing P&L's), Implementation of new rules(Timelines), Technology(Apps, Lights), Wasteful Spending.

1 hour ago


NAFA strengths include a

1 hour ago


NAFA strengths would include

1 hour ago


NAFA is a large organization, relative to other flyball entities. It is a non-profit run by volunteers and designed to not be dominated by one club, or one person. This is a strength. The weakness, I’ve seen in the past, has been communication. It’s a lot of work being a board member, if you choose to be a strong contributor, and often communication has fallen by the wayside. As I mentioned in the previous chat, I would like to be part of the solution for this. I have spoken with a current board member and ideas are already in the works for this.

1 hour ago


Strengths- Ever changing system to keep up with the times. The ability for it's members to make changes through elections and voting. A wonderful community. Weaknesses- Equipment should keep up with the times (timing system, measuring). Communications.

1 hour ago


As far as weaknesses: I think more open communication between the board and membership would be helpful, as well as new people to bring in other ideas.

1 hour ago


Needs for Improvement - More willingness to make changes in tune with the changing times, more understanding that different area of the countries have different (mostly geographical) issues. Some communication

1 hour ago


From the moderator: (While Lisa continues on the strengths/weaknesses question) Some of you touched on the next question in your last response. What ideas do you have for improving communication between the Board and members/


1 hour ago


As I said in the previous chat – I would like to see a team of two or three board members created, that focuses on communication to NAFA competitors. It would likely consist of the Chairman, the ED and one or two other board members. They would go to meetings with an eye to communicating a ‘big picture’ overview of what’s going on to NAFA competitors. It would also be good, as a current board member mentioned to me, to have a non-board member on that team.


1 hour ago


Since not everyone has the opportunity to talk to board members one on one, I think it would be nice to have an open chat similar to this where members could ask the board directly about their concerns.

1 hour ago


Perhaps an online Q&A forum which goes directly to a BoD committee. Also a quicker posting of meeting minutes.

1 hour ago


NAFA strengths would include the openess between the board and all flyball members. There is an open door policy. If someone has a question or a problem, they can go to any board member for help or guidance. I also believe that all members are 100% invested in NAFA’s missions and goals.

NAFA Weaknesss – I believe that the board regularly evaluate its performance, both collectively and individually. Second a plan for improving leadership performance so that the board becomes visionary and that NAFA becomes even more successful.

58 mins ago


Trail periods and a way to send feedback has been very nice this past year with exploring Open Class changes. To go along with this process it would be nice to get feedback by using surveys of possible Trial periods or major changes. Town Hall meetings in different regions to hear the different needs or issues. Social Media is a great plat form for blasting out information but is not a good or productive way to get feedback.

57 mins ago


Its a Non-Profit organization. Full Transparency. Itemized Financials, Opportunities made available to everyone (eg. Giving mats away after Canam, or other paid opportunities). quarterly online NAFA member meeting such as this. Keeping judges informed and talking to them about region issues and using them as a communication extention of the BOD.

57 mins ago


Proactively asking for feedback from members. Having a forum specifically for that. People have more support for that which they have helped create and have had a voice in. Contact club owners directly for thoughts from their club. A live audio chat or YouTube meeting. A tool such as Survey Monkey is easy and inexpensive or free to use to get a quick gauge of how membership is feeling about issues. Being transparent in communication builds trust.

53 mins ago


From the moderator: 2018 marks the 10th anniversary of the CanAm event. What importance do you place on that? What are your expectations for the event? And how can you help NAFA realize those?

52 mins ago


One question remaining in the cue.

47 mins ago


CanAm is always one of my favorite tournaments to go to. The BOD always does an outstanding job of organizing this event and would expect no less this year. I would help out in anyway needed to make sure that all competitors that attend from all across the US and Canada would have a great time and a feeling that NAFA made this event about them and their dogs.

47 mins ago


It's a great milestone. I have enjoyed attending them (I’ve attended most years). CanAm is always a great event – it’s almost like the “prom” for all us NAFA flyball fanatics. It’s a huge amount of work for the board and I’ve always appreciated the effort they put in and would love to contribute by being on the board. I think it also marks a point where considerations need to be made as to whether the venue should be moved, going forward. I also wonder whether there should be more non-board members added to the team that runs the event, as it is a huge focus of the board’s energy. So my view is one of - excited to celebrate the past, and looking forward to positive changes for the future.

46 mins ago


Ten years of CanAm is an awesome milestone. The support from competitors who enter the tournament and work at the event is outstanding. I expect it to be as it has been - The Greatest and largest flyball tournament in the world. The premier NAFA event. There will be improvements, as ways to make it better are learned every year. I plan to be present and working at CanAm and have been asked to organize workers/volunteers for 2018.

45 mins ago


Any event that reaches a 10 year anniversary is something to be celebrated, especially one of this size. I would expect to have prizes that celebrate and acknowledge the outstanding event that CanAm has been for all of these years. It would be my great honor to be on the board helping to make this the best CanAm yet and setting the tone for all of the future CanAms.

43 mins ago


I feel that the 10th anniversary of the CanAm is a great milestone. It's a big event to put together and NAFA has done a terrific job. The first CanAm I ever attended was only 4 years ago and I was just amazed at all the teams from all over coming together to play flyball. I feel that the event should run the same with maybe a few added surprises. One of my favorite tournaments is Double Dog Dares Summer Camp. Might be fun to have something set up so that all the teams get out and about and met and learn more about the other teams there. I would also have to agree with Emma, that it would be a good idea to try to bring in some non-board members to assist the board in running the event.

42 mins ago


10th Anniversary should be all about giving back to the participants. So I would be contacting sponsors and vendors and asking for monetary or product donations and maintaining those relationships with those companies throughout the year. Maybe host a raffle for fundraiser towards bigger awards or help a cause. Add in special awards (sportsmanship, Top coach, Top contributer, fastest breed etc) some are voted on by participants and others appointed by judges or BOD. A banquet dinner on Saturday night to meet the social perks of CANAM. Finding a new venue I think would be a big help in a better area with better hotel options.

40 mins ago


While Jan is typing, we have only one question left in the cue before closing comments.

40 mins ago


I think the 10th Anniversary of CanAm is a huge milestone for NAFA. My expectation and hope is that there would be even higher participation. NAFA will need to really promote participation. Also, everyone loves the prizes that are given out to the clubs, maybe there could be something special celebrating 10 years. I think CanAm would also be the perfect opportunity for some kind of a meet and greet not only for members to meet and talk to board members but also an organized event for all the clubs to have an opportunity to meet other clubs. They have the gift exchange which is great, but maybe we could expand on that idea and get more clubs involved.

39 mins ago


From Steve Corona: Do you have any ideas on how to improve our exposure to the general public to gain new members either through increased marketing or other outlets?

36 mins ago


Two additional questions have been cued.

32 mins ago


I think this is something that needs to be encouraged by the board, but done more at the regional and club level. I came up with some awards in a report I prepared for the board’s last meeting that would aim to encourage activities that would increase membership. For example, NAFA Flyballers of the Future Award – give to the club that adds the most handlers in a year. Another – NAFA Flyball Training Excellence Award – a flyball teacher or club that provides excellent training and education in flyball and encourages new flyballers. The awards could possibly be of monetary value (saving in NAFA fees) as well as promotion on the NAFA website.

31 mins ago


We need to be good ambassadors when competing and encourage spectators to ask questions. Encourage prospects to come out and see what flyball is about, take part in public demos when possible. Reinforce that all dogs are welcome. Invite people we know that have not seen flyball to come out to a tournament to see the excitement and fun.
I have participated in many public demos at events such as fairs, Canada Day celebrations and at church groups. I also was one of the organizers and trainers for introductory flyball lessons for many different sessions over the years. We handed out flyers that were produced by our club and also the NAFA brochures. And of course, I talk about flyball to anyone I meet who does not know about it!
The flyball club that I am a member of is currently working on details for our members and dogs to perform at a half time show at a local lacrosse game. 
Those that have businesses that involve caring for and training dogs are in a good position to promote flyball to get new members.

31 mins ago


Working with our sponsors to help promote their product and our sport. This might be done through creating National Ad's with multiple viewing platforms. Creating NAFA as a brand and us it similarly as organizations like NFL, NBA, NASCAR. Using any revenue to offset NAFA cost and grow each region to create classes and train people and dogs.

30 mins ago


In our area, we do several demos a year and have been currently working on setting a demo set up with Old Dominion University. Working with ODU could potentially get flyball some local TV exposure as well. Weather we do this at a football game or a basketball game it would be wonderful. It's also always great to work with our local school systems trying to bring in new junior handlers to flyball. Working with local obedience/agility clubs to add a flyball class to potentially bring in other potential dogs and owners.

29 mins ago


Putting out ads in other dog related magazines or newsletters, Promotional videos on how to get involved that when members post to social media they get a discount code towards an entry or registration of a new dog. Club directory on the NAFA website of teams per region that are open or closed for new members. Clubs advertisement page. Contact Dog training companies that when a student completes a certain level of flyball training they get a discount on registration. Or if you introduce a friend to the sport there is some sort of incentive. Teaming up with the sponsors and working cohesively on promoting both NAFA and their products via websites or email directory or social media.

29 mins ago


Local media is a great way to get the word out about NAFA. I think some updated flyers with information which could be sent out to the media along with dates and information about local tournaments would be a good start. Teaming up with local rescue groups and presenting demos at the rescue group fundraising events. We participate in as many demos as we can in order to give the public more awareness of flyball and, since we practice in public parks, we always try to have flyers available to pass out to passersby.

26 mins ago


Marketing and exposure to the sport of flyball is extremely important especially with so many other dog sports available for people to participate in. Perhaps working with local pets stores doing demos or informational forums. Pet adoption days would be a great time to talk to people and promote flyball. Pet expos would also be a good place to expose the public to flyball. A lot of communities have community ed or community festivals that might also be a way to expose the public. Some other opportunities to get our youth involved would be demos or talks with local 4-H clubs, Boy Scouts and Girl Scout clubs. Exposure is key.

25 mins ago


Candidates please prepare your closing remarks.

21 mins ago


Very thankful for this opportunity to convey my ideas on this platform. I'm looking forward to working with NAFA members and BOD. I think keeping NAFA current with technology, rules, financials and safety is of most importance. I have been in this sport for 25 years and watched many things come and go and feel I have great insight on where the sport is headed and how to get it there. I hope to get your votes so we can work together making NAFA a stronger organization

21 mins ago


Thank you Dana, Kyle, and NAFA for putting on this chat this morning and thank you to everyone that submitted a question. If anyone has any additional questions that they would like to ask of me feel free to reach out to me directly. I look forward to the possibility of serving everyone in the NAFA community.

20 mins ago


While the candidates prepare their remarks, let me remind you that transcripts of this and the two prior chats are available at the NAFA home page via link. Please take time to get to know your candidates. If you have additional questions, reach out to them.

17 mins ago


I would like to thank everyone who has provided us with this opportunity to let the flyball community get to know me and the other candidates and to everyone who has participated in this chat. I have enjoyed hearing what the other candidates have to say. I hope I will now get the opportunity to give back to this wonderful game of flyball in the form of being a member of the Board of Directors. I am ready to do all that it takes to keep NAFA strong and make it an even better organization. I look forward to being a representative to all of the NAFA membership.

17 mins ago


Thank you for your interest in the chat today. I am certainly willing and up to the challenge to serve on the NAFA board of directors. I hope to get elected and I will work hard on your behalf. I have a sense of responsibility for making things happen to keep NAFA current and relevant. Thank you for considering me.
Good luck to all the candidates!
Wishing you all a fantastic holiday season and fast times and clean runs in 2018!

17 mins ago


Thank you candidates for your time and thoughtful responses to the questions posed during all 3 candidate chat forums. Good luck to everyone in the upcoming election! I look forward to exploring these ideas and working alongside you in the future.

17 mins ago


There were some great (and some quite ambitious!) ideas presented today. It’s great that there is such a lot of energetic, passionate candidates to choose from. Thank you very much to NAFA, most especially Dana Hanson and Kyle Mankes, and those participating, both those posing the great questions and my fellow candidates. Thank you for considering me for a position on the NAFA Board. I hope I have demonstrated through my years of volunteer work and during these candidate chats that I'm willing to work hard and push for what's fair, as well as keep the sport moving forward. Enjoy your weekend, everyone.

14 mins ago


I would like to thank everyone for this opportunity. I am 100% committed to continue to improve NAFA and to taking flyball to an even higher level. It would be an honor to serve on the Board of Directors. If not elected, I will continue to dig right in and promote flyball and help where ever I am needed. Thank you Dana and Kyle for hosting these chat sessions and it’s been a pleasure getting to know the other candidates.

11 mins ago


I would just like to say thank you to everyone involved. I always like to discuss flyball with anyone who will listen. I love flyball and I think NAFA is a great organization. I am extremely honored to have been nominated for the board. I have been involved with flyball for over 25 years and I have a passion for flyball. I would very much like the opportunity to give back to the organization as well as helping to move forward. Thank you for your consideration.

10 mins ago


Thanks to all of our candidates for joining us today and for their willingness to serve. Best of luck to all of you. Thanks, too, to Steve Corona, chairman of the board, and Kyle Mankes, nominating chair and elections committee member for joining and helping steer today’s chat. To our membership, please vote. Polls close Monday, January 22, 2018, at midnight CST. Great weekend to all!

10 mins ago


Thank you to Dana for scheduling these candidate chats, and to Emma for her technical help. Good luck to all of our candidates.