Geoff Brown's nomination letter
Submitted by Amy Brubaker
Picture it: any given NAFA flyball tournament, any given weekend. You look around and you
will find Geoff Brown either judging, chatting with flyball folks, running a dog, answering
questions for spectators, or any numerous other things. He has this way of being able to start
a conversation with just about anyone on just about any topic. He has so many stories
including life as a Canadian, travels/vacations, flyball statistics, friend's life stories
and playing the bagpipes. Some are stories of different judging experiences as other judges
approach him about how he feels a situation should be called during racing. Because of the
number of tournaments he is asked to judge in a years time, Geoff has many experiences to be
able to share with other judges, teammates or competitors alike. He has been asked to judge
at CANAM this year (previously serving as a relief judge since its inception) and he recently
judged at the national flyball tournament in Australia. Many clubs ask Geoff to come back
and judge their tournaments year after year because of his experience and likable personality.
Moral of the story = Geoff Brown is more than deserving of NAFA Judge of the Year.