Press Release from NAFA Board of Directors Meeting
August 25, 2007 – Detroit, MI
- There will be a new class of racing called Open Class effective Oct 1 (based on the original pick-up team proposal). View the Open Class Draft Rules >
- There will also be a new racing designation called Performance Teams for teams who unexpectedly lose a dog due to injury or some other extenuating circumstance right before a tournament. View the Performance Team Draft Rules > (scroll to page 2)
- Effective Oct 1, every approved and supervising judge will receive a delegate vote (in addition to any other delegate votes they may hold). All EXISTING (as of Aug 25th) approved and supervising judges will also be able to vote in the upcoming elections.
- Hall of Fame nominees: Bizzy, Crackers, Cyrano de Bordercollie, Lyric, Tab
(nomination details will appear on NAFA website)
- The rules of measuring were amended to add a 5-min time limit for a dog/handler to present an acceptable stance (3 attempts are still permitted - up to 5 min for each attempt).
- The board approved the purchase of 3 new sets of lights (EJS).
- Region 2 (Ontario) will be divided into two regions effective Oct 1st. Western Ontario will remain Region 2, and eastern Ontario and Quebec will become the new Region 20. The dividing line between western and eastern Ontario will be Peterborough to Port Hope.
- Regions 3 and 4 will be realigned effective Oct 1st. A new region, Region 21, will be added, and will be made up of two states from Region 3 and two states from Region 4.
- Region 21 will consist of Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri
- Region 3 will consist of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota
- Region 4 will consist of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Wisconsin
- Clubs may still elect their regional designation for the 2008 racing year, but effective Oct 1 they may only declare for an adjacent region, and any tournament hosted will now count towards each host club's designated region. For example: if your club is located in Florida (Region 11) and you declare for Alabama (Region 14), any tournaments you host will count for Region 14 regional points. Clubs who wish to change their club designation for the 2008 racing year must notify NAFA at by the end of September.
- CRN fees will increase from $15 USD to $20 USD effective Oct 1st. This is the first rate increase since CRNs were instituted back in 1993.
- Regional Director approvals:
- Jane Kline, Region 14, from acting to approved
- Suzanne Brown, Region 2, from acting to approved
- Joe Acker, Region 21 (new), effective Oct 1st
- Judges approvals:
- Stuart VandeVenter from Provisional to Approved
- David Caffo from Apprentice to Provisional
- Elizabeth Theesfeld from Provisional to Approved
- John Fairbairn from Provisional to Approved
- Required judging assignments will remain 3/1 in 2008 (3 weekends, 1 measuring assignment). The rule was scheduled to change to 4/2 (4 weekends, 2 measuring assignments) in 2008, but the board repealed this change.
- The nomination deadline for Hall of Fame and Regional MVP will move from May 31st to July 31st beginning in 2008.
- Futurity class will sunset at the end of the 2007 racing year.
- Effective Oct 1, the maximum number of potential heats per team per day will be limited to 35.
Look for more details in the upcoming minutes.
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