Transcript for the NAFA Candidate Chat November 29th, 2016



1 hour ago

Emma Mak

Hi everyone, I'm on the election committee and the moderator for this evening's candidate chat. All questions for the candidates must come to me first. I'll queue the questions and provide them to the candidates. Instructions for sending a private message to the moderator are at the top right of this web page.


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

Okay, let’s begin. Thanks to everyone for joining us in the first candidate chat for the 2016/2017 NAFA Election. Thank you to Kyle Mankes, Kim Davie and Steve Corona who are assisting tonight.


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

The Board of Directors Candidates are: Dirk Elber, Matt Goodyear, Peter Guidolin, John Hendriks, Leerie Jenkins, Jessica Knox, Lynda Mantler and Donald Watson. Neil Flood is running for Executive Director.


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

Neil could not attend tonight as he is travelling for a conference. If anyone wishes to get his answers to questions asked tonight, or questions specific to the ED position, please feel free to contact him (his contact info is on the NAFA website). Dirk, Peter, Leerie, Jessica, Lynda and Donald are participating in this chat.


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

We will now take opening remarks from the candidates. Candidates, go ahead.


1 hour ago

Leerie Jenkins

I’d just like to thank everyone who is here to participate and listen, to those who will read the transcripts later, to NAFA, and the nomination and election committees for having us here tonight, Thanks to Steve Corona for chairing the election committee and putting this together. Thanks to our moderator Emma Mak. A big thanks also to all the great candidates who are putting themselves out there, volunteering to work hard, for the sport we all love! What a great, and large group of candidates. I’m Leerie Jenkins, I’ve been playing flyball for about 17 or 18 years now, I’m a supervising judge, and I’ve served on the board for 7 years, from 2009 through 2015. I’m honored to be nominated again, and I’d love to volunteer to work for the NAFA board again, serve on committees, and serve in whatever capacity the voters and board members see fit. Thanks for considering me.

1 hour ago

Jessica Knox

Hi Everyone, thank you for taking the time to either participate in the chat tonight or read the transcripts later. I am thrilled at the prospect of working with NAFA and representing my region.  Thank you for the opportunity tonight to demonstrate why I think I am a good candidate for the Board.  I have such high regard for the people involved in this organization, and I am proud to be a part of something that allows so many different people and dogs to participate in a team sport.  

1 hour ago

Dirk Elber

First thank you to Steve and the rest of the committee for putting the time in to get this all organized. With this many people that was not an easy chore.

1 hour ago

Lynda Mantler

Hello Flyball enthusiasts! I am honoured to be nominated for the BOD. I have been competing in flyball for 15 years in region 7, BC, OR! WA. I have enjoyed becoming involved in various tournament related duties. I am looking forward to,our chat tonight.


1 hour ago

Peter Guidolin

Thanks to all who set this up as it is a great way to start the ball rolling, and to those others that have decided to join us. I am running for the board for the first time this year but I have been on the judges' committee for two years and have served in this type of organization in the past and have enjoyed it. Now that I am in a semi retirement i have a fair bit of time to dedicate to this organization and I honoured to be in with a great group of nominees this year. Thank you


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

We're just waiting on hearing from Donald Watson. I apologize for not saying that John Hendriks is also here. John, please go ahead and add your opening remarks.


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

For all participants, I currently have no questions in the queue. Please private message me any questions. Instructions are at the top of the web page.

1 hour ago

john Hendriks

I would like to thank everyone attending tonight's chat. I have been fortunate enough to serve the board for the past 3 years and look forward to providing input for the next term


1 hour ago

Emma Mak

I currently have 3 questions in the queue. Hopefully Donald Watson will join us again soon.


59 mins ago

Emma Mak

1st question from Nancy Denier: Hi there, wondering if BOD nominees have thoughts on moving Can-Am around so that it is more available for teams from all over to participate?

56 mins ago

Kyle Mankes

@Katie c please Private message me.

56 mins ago

Dirk Elber

I know this has been a question asked many times, even at our public forum in Ontario last year. There is nothing keeping CanAm in indianapolis on a permanent basis. However there is now a major infastructure in place there including equipment, vendor base, hotel availabiitiy. That goes along with the fact that Indianapolis is fairly well centered in the demographic map of NAFA flyball. It would be nice to have it move around but not sure it is a finacially viable option.


56 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

This has been a question that I have asked as well, I think that it current location is fairly central to most teams if a different location was be chosen it would also have to be equally centrally located as well it has to be large enough to house all of the rings, vendors, and crating and some kind of camping. That is not easy to find.

56 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

I have thought of that and it was a big trip to make for many competitors. If a suitable venue could be found, i think would make sense to move it. Advance planning would be key. Geographically though, Indiana is a good location.

55 mins ago

Jessica Knox

I recognize there are many teams that opt out of participating each year because of the location and length of time to travel and breed restrictions for flying. There are many teams that are also able to attend each year because the location is confident for them. I know that the current location is closer location for NAFA and everything needed to host a tournament of that size. However, I would be interested in looking at how we could rotate venues throughout the various regions and enrolling clubs in those regions to help locate suitable venues. I know there would be added cost to do this and the value for other people to be able to participate would benefit NAFA as a whole.


55 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

It’s a good idea in theory. In practice, there is so much equipment stored in Indianapolis, contracts, contacts, etc…. that it would be somewhat onerous to move. Indianapolis is sort of central, if you consider a “weighted” population distribution. That all said, I know the NAFA board has always been open to looking at options. If someone has a proposal for a site, then it would be considered, and I’d encourage them to send their proposal to the ED, or the NAFA Chair.

54 mins ago

john Hendriks

There has been discussion about the logistics of moving CanAm to different locations . The problem is the infrastructure that has been created as well as finding a facility large enough to host the event


54 mins ago

Emma Mak

Next question from Kim Davis: Hello Candidates! Here's a question for you all - Is there an area of service or pet project that interests you most (i.e. on which committees would you like to serve)?


54 mins ago

Emma Mak

3 questions in the queue


53 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

I have served on the judges committee and enjoyed that very much I would like continue with that committee and I would also like to join the rules committee and then one other possibly elections


52 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

My personal favorite standing committees to serve on are judges and rules. Although not “standing” I also really enjoyed contributing to the technology committee and the canam planning committee.

50 mins ago

Dirk Elber

Rules has been the one that has really taken the most time and energy this year... but that seems to change every year as we address different issues. I would like to continue on the rules committee, judges and marketing plus the work for CanAm steering.

50 mins ago

john Hendriks

As Rules Chair this past year I would like to continue on this committee also I really enjoyed the Judges Committee

48 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

My goal is to work where needed if I should be a successful board candidate. Areas I feel I would be able to contribute best are the rules committee and marketing committee. As I am a detail person, these would be areas of strength for me.

48 mins ago

Jessica Knox

I personally would like to take on a role in working with the junior handler program. Our junior handlers are our future of flyball and it would be great if something could be incorporated at each tournament to celebrate their accomplishments. I am also interested in serving on the rules committee. I find this committee most interesting because I love rules and seeing how others might interpret the rules. I like to see other people’s point of view and then discuss the spirit of the rule set in place and help clarify and update as warranted.


48 mins ago

Emma Mak

Next question from Katie Caslick: Curious on their thoughts on the new height card challenge and how to fix the issues surrounding it


47 mins ago

Emma Mak

I have 2 questions in the queue

43 mins ago

john Hendriks

As we have learned with any new rule/process there is a learning curve.

42 mins ago

Jessica Knox

I can see how this can be a challenging issue and one that needs to be clarified for the future. It is an issue that requires a lot collaboration and insight. Making sure everyone can come together to discuss possible changes in the procedure is critical to moving forward.


42 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

This is a vary hot topic for sure and one that does not have a simple answer. The height card challenge is there for a purpose. I do think that it needs some adjusting. Things like there can only be one challenge for a card once that challenge is upheld that is the end of the challenge process. Also I think that if we have videos of a height card then that challenge process should be changed. Currently the board validates a world record and it stands why make similar rules for a video height card. Perhaps two videos reviewed by either the board or committee or both. The videos can be part of the public record similar to the world records.

42 mins ago

Dirk Elber

This of course has been the hot topic item as of late after two anonymous challenges made. I voted for the change to the process when it came up in 2015. The reason being that we had a challenge process but for various reasons noone had used it. I am not against the challenge process but am open to making sure that this does not become a tool to harrass certain teams with constant challenges. I know Rules committee has spent a lot of ours working on this issue and I think that by the time we leave the AGM in Florida there will be some changes. As a judge I am for making this a fun sport for all competitors, but also want to make sure the rules are followed on a consistent basis by all.


42 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

It seems measuring controversy occurs every some number of years in our sport. As the dogs and teams go faster, limits are pushed. I believe the rules committee (and judges) have been working, slowly, over the past year or three, to try and evolve the measuring and stance portions of the rules, how they’re interpreted and applied, etc.,.. I have faith that with each challenge (pun intended), progress will continue to be made. I have a relatively open mind about most suggestions. I do believe true height dogs (short ones) are valued little creatures, and I’d hate to see their importance diminished in NAFA flyball.

41 mins ago

john Hendriks

We are currently working on new wording that would create the stand that Nafa is looking for. I believe by fixing the wording in the stance we would get away from the need of the Challenge.

40 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

I am aware of considerable unrest around the height dog measuring issue. I believe this needs to be addressed promptly and thoroughly with a resolution that is fair to all players. Though NAFA does not have the business model that UFLI does, it is important to serve our members in order to keep them playing flyball with NAFA. I've seen some good suggestions on how to possibly deal with this and it would take real organization and technology. I do think all height dogs should be measured several times including by a supervising judge and get a height card. Height cards should not be able challenged. There is a laser measuring technique which I understand works quite well.


40 mins ago

Emma Mak

Next question from Kyle Mankes: What are the candidates plans to drive interest in the sport to gain more competitors?


39 mins ago

Emma Mak

I have one question in the queue.

36 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

We need to be good ambassadors when competing and encourage spectators ask questions. Encourage prospects to come out and see what flyball is about, take part in public demos when possible. Reinforce that all dogs are welcome.

35 mins ago

Dirk Elber

Just as a follow up to Lynda's comment. I have been in touch with our friends in England about the use of the laser measuring system. It definitely has potential and we have been reviewing their method. But again it must be in conjunction with the new wording that addresses the stance required by NAFA. The laser is just the tool to replace the metal wicket. The issues we are speaking about is inconcistencies in what is acceptable in stance. Again just trying to be fair to all competitors.


34 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

One of the things that is important is to make this a family type sport. This can be done by promoting our junior handles program. We also need to fix issue that cause unrest such as the height card and height measuring. The sport is to be a fun thing to do with your dog and your friends not to be the "be all and end all" and it needs to be promoted this way. Our own little team has been out talking to local people with dogs and get them interested in the sport and explain that it is for ALL dogs not just the fast one. We currently have 2 deaf dogs that play on our team and they are a big part of the team (they are both height dogs). All competitors, judges and board members need to conduct them selves properly as a judge I have always tried to be a good ambassador for the sport and spectator asks a question I feel obligated to answer and explain


33 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

I think reasonable and manageable growth comes best from the grass roots level. I leave it to local clubs to build up flyball. I think NAFA continues to provide a solid, fun, affordable and accessible sport to play, and the growth happens organically. Continue to keep it a fun, family friendly sport, and like Jessica intimated, the junior participants will fall in love with flyball, just like we all did. Lots of people play other dog sports. Word of mouth. People come to volunteer to box judge, and get interested. See a local demo or tourney.

32 mins ago

Dirk Elber

Kyle's question is a hard one. Most of the effort to expand the sport is done on the local level. Whether it be seminars, exhibitions or just open house training. We have had some good exposure at CanAM with spots on the National news, that was then rebroadcasted in Canada as well, but definitely more to do to get that exposure to potential new competitors.


32 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

A strategy on my club, is to give the visitor a "point and shoot" fun dog to run. Bam. They're hooked. :biggrin:

32 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

Thank you for that further information, Dirk. I know there can be a reasonable solution.

30 mins ago

Jessica Knox

My suggestion would be to have NAFA more involved in supporting clubs when they participate in demonstrations and local events. Supporting those clubs with informational brochures, and other items for the public to gain interest in this sport and to know that all dogs can play. Educating the public on the various divisions for all dogs can play at. It is crucial, however, that clubs and regions keep supporting ALL dogs and families who want to play, not just the sporting dogs who run sub - 4 seconds…that is why NAFA created different divisions for racing.

30 mins ago

Dirk Elber

John wanted me to let everyone know that he has had an internet outage and will return to chat if possible


John Hendriks *

Doing demonstrations for communities is always a great way to show off the sport.  Also trying to encourage news outlets to cover tournaments is also a great way to show the sport to new people.


30 mins ago

Emma Mak

Ok thanks, Dirk. We'll give John a chance to answer when he gets back on. Next question from Steve Corona: Outside of attending tournaments, can you provide examples of how you promote the sport of flyball?


29 mins ago

Emma Mak

I have no questions in the queue. Last call for questions.

28 mins ago

Dirk Elber

Not only am I involved with teaching classes here but we also take our team to 2 or 3 demos per year. Normally we go to the local dog festivals to show off the sport.


26 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

Almost everyone that I have met that has a dog (including border crossing guards) I have explained what the sport is. We also have run a few open classes to help people to see the sport and invited them out to see a tournament in action. Most people see a tournament and see some of the faster teams running and they want to learn more and I am willing to help out with getting them out to a class with their dogs. I have done demos in the past with a number of teams and loved that. Demos are a great way to get the word out.


25 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

Hosting tournaments. Judging tournaments. Helping new clubs and new handlers get started training, running, and hosting tournaments. Showing good sportsmanship, and trying to be a good example.

25 mins ago

Jessica Knox

One of the ways I promote the sport is to hold classes so that new folks can be introduced to the sport. I have participated in fun matches and demonstrations in my area and also helped other clubs run these events so we can get the word out about flyball. I have personally supported a new club in my region as they got started by helping them with training and class set up and I am starting a club of my own this winter. Word of mouth is a huge part of getting information out there and my connection to Guide Dogs for the Blind gives me an opportunity to talk to other "dog people" about this sport and the potential for their dogs (who didn't make it as a guide) to play.

24 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

I have participated in many public demos at events such as fairs, Canada Day celebrations and at church groups. I also was one of the organizers and trainers for introductory flyball lessons for many different sessions over the years. We handed out flyers that were produced by our club and also the NAFA brochures. And of course, I talk about flyball to anyone I meet who does not know about it!


John Hendriks *

Our club has done many demos for local communities as well as professional sports clubs including the Edmonton Eskimos football and the Edmonton Trappers baseball clubs.  In addition I have personally travelled to different towns in my region doing seminars trying to start new clubs.  I am also currently teaching a flyball class at a local dogsport training facility.

23 mins ago

Emma Mak

A message from Steve Corona, Chair of the Election Committee: Thank you to the candidates for joining us this evening and providing their thoughts on a diverse range of questions. It was nice to see so many people from the NAFA community engaged in tonight’s chat and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to provide questions to our candidates. There are 2 more chats scheduled, one each in Dec. and Jan., which will provide an opportunity for those candidates who were unable to attend this evening to express their viewpoints.


23 mins ago

Emma Mak

Candidates please prepare your closing remarks. A reminder that the ballots will be sent out electronically December 1. Club Owners, Regional Directors, Approved/Supervising Judges and Board Members are eligible to vote. If NAFA does not have your current email address, please contact ASAP. If you'd like to confirm your email address and number of votes, you have two options:


23 mins ago

Emma Mak

1. Go to and input your name and email address. You'll receive a confirmation email with your number of votes. 2. View your contact info and vote count through your NAFA website account If you don't already have an account you can go here: Any questions about the election should be directed to


21 mins ago

Leerie Jenkins

Thanks again to everyone. If anyone has any questions, or wants to chat about flyball, find me on facebook, or ask one of the moderators for my email address. I’m always happy to talk about the crazy passion we all share. Good night!

20 mins ago

Dirk Elber

Thanks to all who attended. It is always good to see what other people are thinking for in regards to teh questions that we as face in this sport. But as a member of a 9 person organization it is good to have differing viewpoints to work towards a common goal.

20 mins ago

Kyle Mankes

Good night everyone. Thanks for participating.


20 mins ago

Peter Guidolin

I would like to again thank the organizers for putting this on and it was great to see a number of people wanting to participate in this process. There was some great questions asked and hopefully we can have as good a turn out for then next two schedules chats. Anyone has or wants any further information from don't hesitate to ask (my email is on the judges list or you can ask the moderators) the door is always open for question and concerns good night all

19 mins ago

Jessica Knox

Thank you, everyone, for providing questions and providing an interest in the candidate chat and NAFA elections. I am looking forward to having an opportunity to represent my region (region 7, OR, WA, BC) and to grow participation within my region in NAFA issues. I feel strongly that our region is fast growing, yet has little or no representation at the highest level, and I seek to change that. My involvement with flyball goes well beyond just running a dog - I am a new club owner, a successful tournament director, and a supporter of other teams and clubs as well. This is a team sport and it takes all of us to make the entire Association successful. I am happy to answer any questions you may have if you'd like to contact me privately.


17 mins ago

Emma Mak

Thanks to the candidates, nomination and election committee members, and all the NAFA participants. Have a good night!

17 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

Over the years I have been tournament director and tournament secretary which has given me an understanding of what goes on and how much work is involved in hosting a tournament. I've had some interaction with NAFA representatives and am intrigued by the prospect of of becoming a NAFA director. I would love to learn more about the processes behind the scenes at the board level and want to give back to the flyball community that I have received so much from. There always needs to be people willing to step up and do the work and I am very willing to take on some challenges and work on the BOD.


15 mins ago

Emma Mak

Thanks, Lynda. Good night, everyone.

14 mins ago

Lynda Mantler

Thank you!


*Because of an internet outage, John Hendriks’ answers to two of the questions were emailed to the moderator for inclusion in this script and were not in the original chat.