Transcript for the NAFA® Leadership Chat January 9th, 2011

moderatorI'd like to welcome everyone to this leadership chat. This is your opportunity to ask questions of the Nafa leadership. We have Lee Heighton our Executive Director represented as well as Leerie Jenkins, our Chairman of the Board. We also have a number of Board members present as well. For the record your moderator today is Dale Smith. I'll start queueing questions if folks want to start sending them in while Leerie and Lee make any opening statements they'd like. Other Board members are free to introduce themselves as well.
Dana.NicholsWhile Lee and Leerie are typing comments, I'll just remind everyone that voting must be completed by January 27, 2011.
leerie.jenkinsHappy New Year and welcome to all! I’m really excited about another year of flyball! Please feel free to ask questions and provide input to us. You can do that through this medium, and/or we are very accessible via email and telephone throughout the year. I hope everyone has been participating in the Nafa election, either through voting, or through providing input to your club owner. We have a great slate of candidates and we are very excited about working with some new people.
Dana.NicholsElectronic ballots went out December 16, 2010 for those who opted-in. Mailed ballots should have been received by now as well. If you have any questions, feel free to email me ( or Leerie at (
Lee_HeightonI would like to thank everyone for attending. It's input during these chats that helps us continue to make improvements to our sport.
leerie.jenkinsI'd also like to direct everyone's attention to the working agenda posted on our website, for our January 28, 2011 meeting in Texas.
moderatorI presently have no questions pending (hint, hint)
moderatorDede_crough asks Is there any more detail re: the Bod meeting agenda to "basenji"?
Lee_HeightonI would like to ask everyone here what they think of the new online voting process and if they had any difficulty.
Lee_HeightonSorry everyone, thought that was going to Dale.
moderatorEveryone is free to respond to Lee's inquiry here in the main window
Dede_CroughI found the entire process very easy. The only issue I had was the wording for Region 15 Mvp voting said "vvote for up to two." I was pretty sure that was wrong, so I only voted for one (and didn't even try to see if I could vote for both, then in the comments section I told Big Pulse that I thought that was wrong.
Dana.NicholsDede, thank you for leaving those comments. I was able to see the comments and immediately got them to fix it.
Dana.NicholsDidn't know who left them, so didn't know who to thank. :)
Dede_CroughOops, it said "vote" for up to two. ;-)
Dede_CroughYou're welcome!
Kris.PickeringThe on-line voting project has been as smooth as it's been thanks to Dana and Leerie. I think in future years it will be even smoother.
Dede_CroughWas it possible to vote for two, and had anyone voted for both before you fixed it?
Lee_HeightonThe Basenji item refers to a complaint from one of our competitors that challenges the registered breed of a dog that is currently competing
Dana.NicholsWe'd love to have any input so we know what to fix for next year. If you aren't comfortable sharing it here on the chat, please send one of us an email.
Dana.NicholsNo, they double checked and no one had done that.
John_HendriksI found the voting very easy and as Rd have not heard any complaints
Dede_CroughThanks Lee for the detail. I was just curious.
moderatorOur next question comes from Kris.pickering who asks On the January agenda is a proposed rule change addressing children who are being carried in slings, backpacks or an adult's arms in the ring while racing is going on. This rule would prohibit that. What do people think of this? I support it but am open to other points of view.
moderatorThis is also open to commnets from anyone logged in - free to comment here in the main window
Dana.NicholsThe rules committee report will be posted fairly soon. The language we are considering is: “children who are too young to be able to participate safely, (e.g. children in strollers, car seats, baby carriers, or being held in a person’s arms) are not permitted in the ring during racing or warm-up periods.”
Dede_CroughI've seen it done and haven't witnessed any problems, but I agree that it would be safer not to allow people to do that. I bet we've all seen people fall in the lanes - tripping over a dog, over another handler, over a ball, over their own feet Lol, and if that happened and the child was landed on, it could be bad.
Christine.VanWertI see it as a safety issue and our Head Judges have all the discretion to take action to address any thing they identify as a safety issue. I personally don't see an additional rule as necessary.
Porter.CyndiWhat happens when it is the Judge that is doing this and sees nothing wrong with it, and others have expressed it being a safety issue and the concerns are ignored. Who does a person go to then?
Christine.VanWertTournament Director and/or Regional Director.
moderatorOur next question from dirk_elber: Interested to hear if there are any reports regarding 2010 Canam? I personally thought it was a huge success and wondered if it was one for Nafa as well
nancy_garciaCanam was a great success all around. From a marketing prospective I had one sponsor have someone come up to them at another event saying they saw thier product advertised at Canam. Just what a sponsor likes to hear! And, I have already been contacted by a vendor who was not there last year but heard it was a good show and has made their reservations to attend in 2011.
Lee_HeightonWhile we are working on a few small improvements, the overall event was a resounding success.
moderatorNo other questions in the queue if someone wants to be typing while this is answered....
nancy_garciaFrom a financial standpoint I am very pleased to announce that we are currently sitting at a very small loss of $130. No, I did not forget a zero. And, there is a possibility of some additional marketing money to still be received.
John_HendriksIs Canam going to stay in Indianapolis or is there any thought of bringing it to different regions
Christine.VanWertExcellent news, Nancy. That is Great to hear!
Lee_HeightonCanam is in Indy next year, but I would really like to see it move to a location in Canada after next year. The difficulty is finding a suitable location that we can afford.
Lee_HeightonWe are currently checking on potential spots in London, Ontario or Toronto
Dana.NicholsThe dates for 2011 are October 7, 8, & 9.
moderatorOur next question comes from Dede_crough who asks Once the election is over, what will be the Board's top priority for this year?
leerie.jenkinsAfter the election, and the selection of officers and committees, the board would continue working on existing committee projects and begin working on new ones. The rules committee will continue working on the rulebook for 10/1/11, the judges committee will continue working on education and judge advancements, of course there's a Canam to plan and execute...
Dede_CroughSo no single pressing issue that's at the top of the list?
moderatorNo other questions pending at this time...
leerie.jenkinsWe're always open to suggestions of course. If there's something you feel strongly about please let us know.
Dede_CroughNope, if I felt strongly about something I'd be sure to let you all know. Lol Actually, I feel strongly that the Bod is doing a great job.
leerie.jenkinsWe are in the process of transitioning to a new database, updating systems, continueing to switch to electronic rather than paper processes.
Kris.PickeringGreg seems restless . . .
Dana.NicholsIt's that hair. :)
moderatorWith no further questions pending, I'd open it to closing comments...
leerie.jenkinsI’d like to take this time to thank our two outgoing directors, Dale Smith and Scott Stein. I can’t even begin to laud the years of service, blood, sweat, and tears that they have so graciously and effectively given to Nafa. We don’t have time here for me to even scratch the surface of their accomplishments. I can only say I hope they will continue having a great time in this great sport of ours, enjoy the “time off” and I hope we will see them serve again someday, if they so desire. Thanks gentlemen.
Lee_HeightonOnce again I would like to thank everyone for attending. Please encourage everyone to vote in this years election.
leerie.jenkinsAnd thanks everyone for your input. See you in the lanes soon I hope!
Lee_HeightonWell said Leerie, they have done an outstanding job guiding Nafa.
moderatorG'nite all and thanks for attending the chat this evening or reading the transcript. We appreciate the time you all take to stay involved, even if you only stay informed and certainly if oyu take the time to ask questions and offer ideas and input. Stay safe and good racing!
moderatorTranscript ends here