October 27, 2024
Comment period for Supervising Judge application for Joan Weesies of Gulfport, FL is now open.
The NAFA® Judges Committee has received an application for supervisory judging status from Joan Weesies of Gulfport, FL. Comments on this applicant should be directed to the Judges Committee at judges@flyball.org.
Comments received will be reviewed by the Judges Committee and the Board of Directors. Names will remain private unless permission is granted for them to be disseminated to the applicant. The Committee will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors for consideration at the next board meeting.
- Effective October 1, 2009, the Board adopted new rules on considering applications for supervising judges. The rules were adopted to give the Judges Committee and Board of Directors the opportunity to make a more informed decision on supervising judge applications. The new rules call for notice of the application to be posted on the NAFA® webpage for a period, ideally of seven days, to allow for comment to the Board. Applicants are also required to meet with the Judges Committee via teleconference to discuss his or her application.
- Prospective judges must possess all of the best qualities one could want in a Supervising Judge . . . fairness, firmness, safety minded, a good attitude to the sport, the participants, the spectators, a sense of responsibility to the sport and as a representative of NAFA®.
- Prospective judges must be willing and able to mentor new and apprentice judges, answering questions, challenging apprentices, and generally overseeing the education of the new judge. The sharing of experiences and the ability to explain rulings and other nuances of the sport are an absolute must. Prospective judges must have excellent measuring skills since his or her measurement is the deciding factor for any height cards. It is understood that the meeting of all of the necessary criteria for Supervisory status does not mean an automatic approval by the Board of Directors. It is not the intention of the Board to appoint great numbers of Supervisory Judges in any area.
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