What's New – October, 2005
Oct. 14, 2005
The board met by Teleconference on October 5 to discuss several issues. The minutes are now available for your review. Please note the discussion on False Starts, Regional Affiliations and price changes for Canadian currency.
Of special interest is the wording for the proposed Jump Height Ballot. The ballot will ask two questions of the delegates in an effort to gauge the interest in changing the current jump height rules for the FY2007 racing season. The wording of the two propositions are as follows and with this publication, the 90 day comment period will begin. If you would like to offer any comments, please forward your comments to NAFA;
A proposal has been made to change the minimum jump height from 8" to 7".
A vote for this proposal shall instruct the Board to make all required changes in the rule book to change the minimum jump height allowed to 7" effective October 1, 2006.
A vote against this proposal will cause no change in the current 8" minimum jump height.
A proposal has been made to change the maximum jump height from 16" to 14".
A vote for this proposal shall instruct the Board to make all required changes in the rule book to change the maximum jump height allowed to 14" effective October 1, 2006.
A vote against this proposal will cause no change in the current 16" maximum jump height.
Changes in Regional Affiliations:
The following clubs have requested a change in Regional Affiliation:
Home Region
Designated Region
DogZworth (452)
Fur Fun (171)
Heat Wave (471)
Lock 'N Load (637)
Panhandle Supersonics (649)
Silver Streaks (411)
Oct. 26, 2005
- October 25, 2005 Rulebook effective immediately
- Minutes from the August 17 Teleconference
- Interim Agenda for the November 4, 2005 Board of Directors meeting in Minneapolis, MN
- Information on the location of the 2005 NAFA Annual General Meeting, November 5, 2005
Changes to Rulebook:
The new rulebook is now available. It incorporates all of the rules passed by the board over the past year and is effective immediately.
This year, we also made a number of minor grammatical and spelling changes to improve the quality of rulebook. All changes are noted by a bar, located to the left of the changed rule text. Many of the noted changes are grammatical in nature so don't be alarmed if the rule appears unchanged. It probably hasn't changed in its context!
The pdf of the entire rulebook is quite large at 1.1 mb. It takes about 30 - 60 seconds to download with a high speed connection and much longer by dial up. The current pdf can be downloaded here by loading and saving through Acrobat or by right clicking the link and using "Save as..." to save to your hard drive.
Keep checking on the Rulebook, Forms etc. link at left for updated pdfs of the rulebook split into rules and appendices to shorten the down load. They should be available by Oct. 29.
- Minutes from the August 17 Teleconference
Board of Directors Meeting:
The agenda for the November 4, 2005 Board of Directors meeting is available here. The meeting will be held at the Plymouth Best Western located at 2705 N. Annapolis Lane, Plymouth, Minnesota.
Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting of the North American Flyball Association will be held on November 5, 2005 after the racing is complete at the tournament hosted by Dynomutts. Their tournament is located at 8857 Xylon Ave. in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota.
NAFA would like to thank the Dynomutts clubs for allowing us to share their weekend of racing with the Annual General Meeting. The AGM will take place at Kelly's Restaurant, 8432 Noble Ave. N., Brooklyn Park, MN following dinner which begins at 6:30PM. Reservations for dinner can be made by email with Jan Frey at janfrey@msn.com.
To get to Kelly's Restaurant from the tournament site, take 85th Ave East to Noble. Kelly's is on the corner of 85th & Noble.