Board Meeting Minutes
The Board of Directors meets on a periodic basis to review ongoing issues in the sport, hold disciplinary hearings and review the general business of NAFA.
January 21, 2019 - The agenda for the upcoming board of directors meeting is posted.
December 18, 2018 - The minutes for the August board meeting are posted.
Proposal for NAFA Participationat Future Flyball Open World Cup Events
BOD Teleconference July 30, 2018
BOD FCI Teleconference July 6, 2018
July 7, 2018 - The minutes for the May board meeting are posted.
18-0331 CanAmEvent Performance 2017
18-0331 Financial Statements with Flux
March 6, 2018 - The minutes for the January board meeting are posted.
The minutes for the January Annual General Meeting are posted.
Result Breakdown 2017-2018
2017-2018_Poll Results
17-0930 Financial Statements Pre-Flux
17-1231 CanAm Event Performance 2017
17-1231 Financial Statements Pre-Flux
January 7, 2018 - The minutes for the August board meeting are posted.
July 14, 2017 - - The minutes for the May board meeting are posted.
Measuring Judges
Height Card
Regional Champions
March 30, 2017 - Announcements concerning
Measuring stance guidelines
Revocation of height cards under previous measuring guidelines
Changes to the Open Class
March 26, 2017 - The minutes for the March 20th Teleconference meeting are posted.
All stance examples
Stance example 1
Stance example 2
Stance example 3
March 26, 2017 - The minutes for the January 14th AGM meeting are posted.
2016 NAFA Champs
March 26, 2017 - The minutes for the January 13th board meeting are posted.
January 11, 2017 - The minutes for the August 27th board meeting are posted.
Rule changes
August 24, 2016 - The agenda for the August 27th board meeting is posted.
August 22, 2016 - The minutes for the June 4th board meeting are posted.
Balance Sheet
Income Statement
May 30, 2016 - The minutes for the January 15th board meeting are posted. The AGM minutes are posted.
Election Results Breakdown 2015-2016
NAFA Election Results
January 9, 2016 - The minutes for the August 1st board meeting are
September 29, 2015 - The minutes for the September 8th teleconference are posted.
July 22, 2015 - The minutes for the May 2nd board meeting are posted.
March 17, 2015 - The January 9th board meeting
and January 10th AGM minutes are posted.
Election Results Breakdown 2014-2015
NAFA Election Results
December 12, 2014 - The August 9th board meeting
minutes are posted.
Balance Sheet as of August 2014
YTD P&L as of August 2014
May 6th, 2014 - The May 10th board meeting
minutes are posted.
Balance Sheet as of May 2014
YTD P&L as of May 2014
April 23rd, 2014 - The March 2nd teleconference board meeting
minutes are posted.
April 23rd, 2014 - The January 18th AGM meeting minutes are posted.
2013 Election Results
2013 Election Results Breakdown
April 23rd, 2014 - The January 17th board meeting minutes are posted.
2012-2013 Fiscal Year Balance Sheet
2012-2013 Fiscal Year P&L for Publication
2013 Fiscal 1st Quarter
Balance Sheet as of 12.31.13
September 20th, 2013 - The August board meeting
minutes are posted.
2013 YTD P & L
2013 YTD Balance Sheet
2013 3rd Quarter P & L
2013 3rd Quarter Balance Sheet
July 29th, 2013 - The
minutes for the June 1st
Board of Directors meeting have been posted.
2013 YTD P & L
2013 YTD Balance Sheet
2013 2nd Quarter P & L
2013 2nd Quarter Balance Sheet
C1 Form
C9 Form
Flyball Entry Form_foss
July 7th, 2013 - The
for the May 8th Board of Directors teleconference have been posted.
July 7th, 2013 - The
for the April 10th Board of Directors teleconference have been posted.
April 5, 2013 - The
AGM minutes have been posted.
2012 Election Results
Election Results Breakdown
February 25, 2013 - The
abridged minutes have been posted.
2012-2013 First Quarter Report
Annual Report Oct11-Sept12
Balance Sheet Sept 2012
Measuring Edits
Betty Carroll Letter
18 Month articles
September 12, 2012 - The minutes from the August 11th board meeting have been posted.
P & L - Year To Date
P & L - 3rd Quarter
Balance Sheet - Year To Date
Balance Sheet - 3rd Quarter
08 Single Elimination Final
NAFA C12 Final
August 3, 2012 - The updated agenda (with rules recommendations) for the upcoming August 11th board meeting has been posted.
June 5, 2012 - Minutes
from the May 19th NAFA BOD meeting have been posted.
Profit & Loss Jan-Mar 2012
Balance Sheet As Of Mar 31 2012
March 20, 2012 - The minutes for the
January 20th NAFA BOD meeting have been posted.
Balance Sheet As Of Dec 31 2011
Balance Sheet As Of Sept 30 2011
CanAm 2011 Final Published
2010-2011 Fiscal Year Published
Profit & Loss Oct-Dec 2011
March 12, 2012 - The minutes for the
February 27th NAFA BOD teleconference have been posted.
February 16th, 2012 - The January 21st AGM minutes
have been published.
Election Results
Statistical Data - Return Rates
February 13th, 2012 - The highlights from the January board
meeting have been published.
January 12, 2012 - The agenda with rules committee
recommendations for the January 20th NAFA BOD meeting has been posted. The board meeting is to be held at the Embassy
Suites Hotel Raleigh - Crabtree, 4700 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh, NC 27612. The meeting will begin at 8 AM in
the Renaissance A Ballroom.
November 15th, 2011 - The minutes from the August BOD
meeting have been published.
Balance Sheet April 2010 - June 2011 (3rd Qtr)
2009-2010 Year End Balance Sheet
Profit & Loss April 2010 - June 2011 (3rd Qtr)
2009-2010 Year End Profit & Loss
October 20, 2011 - The minutes
from the NAFA BOD meeting held October 6, 2011 have been posted.
October 6th, 2011 - Multibreed point proposal for a binding delegate vote
Introduction: In an effort to revitalize the multibreed class, the board is presenting a proposal for consideration by the
delegates that would increase the NAFA title points earned in the multibreed class. If adopted, the following change would
become effective October 1, 2012.
Question for delegate vote: Should NAFA amend the point-count rules for the multibreed class so that each dog on a team that
runs with a recorded time less than 24 seconds earns 30 points; from 24 to 27.999 seconds earns 7 points; and from 28 to
31.999 seconds earns 2 points?
Pros: This increase is designed to recognize and reward the comparative difficulty of assembling a multibreed team where
every dog running is of a different breed, counting a mix as a single breed. Of all the classes, multibreed perhaps does
the most to stimulate interest in flyball because people who have dogs at home can identify with the variety of breeds
running and visualize doing so with their own dog.
Cons: This proposal cheapens the points earned by dogs who run with clubs not able to field multibreed teams and makes
titles too easy to get. There should be one point system for all.
September 26, 2011 - The highlights
from the August NAFA BOD meeting are posted.
September 13, 2011 - The meeting highlights from the August BOD
meeting have been published.
August 25, 2011 - The minutes for the July 12th teleconference has been published.
July 14, 2011 - The minutes from the April 22nd BOD
teleconference have been published.
July 14, 2011 - The minutes from the April BOD
meeting have been published.
Balance Sheet as of March 31st, 2011
Profit & Loss January through March 2011 (page 1)
Profit & Loss January through March 2011 (page 2)
May 23, 2011 - Dale Smith resigned from the Election Committee.
April 22, 2011 - The Board has received the written resignation from Greg Stopay. We thank Greg for his years of service on
the Board and hard work- he devoted hundreds of hours to NAFA.
The Board has appointed Sam Ford to fill out the remainder of Greg Stopay's term. We are very fortunate that we can call
on Sam Ford. He is already involved in the CanAm as well as other NAFA projects and is able to devote the time needed to
fill out Greg's term.
April 16, 2011 - The Board heard Disciplinary Action DC #2011-1 at a hearing 4/16/11 and made the following findings:
“We find that the disciplinary charge was not sustained, but that the accused administered an inappropriate
correction in the ring and that correction was administered to another team’s dog. This action merited a
reprimand, but did not merit disciplinary action.”
March 25, 2011 - A working agenda for the April 16-17, 2011 NAFA BOD meeting has been posted.
The board meeting will be held at Marriott Detroit Metro Airport, 30559 Flynn Road, Romulus, Michigan 48174.
The meeting is scheduled to start at 10 a.m.
Please note that the first item on the agenda is a disciplinary hearing which is closed to the public pursuant to Section 5.4.
The meeting will be open to the public at the conclusion of that agenda item. The meeting is currently scheduled to be held over two
days and is expected to conclude early Sunday afternoon.
March 1st, 2011 - Abridged minutes from the Jan. 29th AGM
Election Results
March 1st, 2011 - Abridged minutes from the Jan. 28th BOD meeting
1st Quarter Balance Sheet
1st Quarter Profit & Loss
Year-end Balance Sheet
Year-end Profit & Loss
2010 CanAm Profit & Loss
CanAm Proposal - Glenn Hamilton
February 23th, 2011 - Minutes from the Feb. 8th teleconference.
January 12, 2011 - NAFA Board of Directors will be holding a board meeting January 28th -
Read the working agenda (includes Rules Committee report).
November 4, 2010 - Minutes from the Sept. 28th BOD teleconference
September 14, 2010 - Minutes from the Aug. 24th BOD teleconference
Attachment A - Revised Bylaws redline
Attachment B - Revised Bylaws final
Attachment C - Articles of Incorporation
Attachment D - Region 6-16 realignment
Attachment E - 5 team elimination
September 10, 2010 - Minutes from the Aug. 7th BOD meeting
YTD P&L (10/1/09 - 8/3/10)
Balance Sheet (as of 8/3/10)
3rd Quarter 2010 P&L (April-June)
Balance Sheet (as of 6/30/10)
August 20, 2010 - NAFA Board of Directors will be holding a teleconference
Aug. 24th. Read the agenda.
August 13, 2010 -
Revised Highlights from the Aug. 7th BOD meeting have been posted!
August 12, 2010 - Highlights from the Aug. 7th BOD meeting have been posted!
July 29, 2010 - Revised Agenda with Rules Committee recommendations for the August 7th board meeting. NAFA welcomes comments and suggestions from NAFA
community. Please send any comments directly to the Rules committee.
July 19, 2010 - Proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws
NAFA is a nonprofit Michigan directorship entity. As its corporate
documents hadn’t been reviewed for many years, we hired Jane Forbes, who
is with Michigan law firm of Dykema and serves as co-chair of the State Bar
of Michigan Nonprofit Corporations Committee, to review NAFA’s articles
of incorporation and bylaws to make sure they comply with the most current
Michigan statutes and to bring them into the 21st century, legally and
practically. The attached proposed revisions to the articles of incorporation
and bylaws are the product of that work.
We’ve put up both redline and clean copies, so you can track the proposed
revisions easily. Some involve moving language that doesn’t belong in
bylaws to the corporate policies or rules; an example is the reference to dog
CRN’s in Article III, which will be moved to Chapter 3 of the Rules of
Racing since we’re advised this shouldn’t be in the bylaws. Others are more
technical, such as the revision to the “deemed consent” provision for board
approvals of administrative matters, or are designed to match the bylaws to
actual practice, such as the composition and names of the various board
committees. Still others are designed to state things more clearly than they
are now. Finally, some are intended to modernize our documents so we can
use outside services, like internet voting services, that weren’t even thought
of when the original documents were created.
Amendments take a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors. The Board
plans to consider these at its August 7 meeting. These are a work in
progress and NAFA welcomes comments and suggestions from NAFA
community. Please send them directly to the Board members, whose contact
information is listed on this site, or directly to the Rules committee.
Articles of Incorporation
Revised Draft of Bylaws
July 8, 2010 - The August 7th board meeting will be held at 300 South Fourth St, Suite 900 Las Vegas, NV 89101.
Anyone wishing to attend in person should contact
Leerie Jenkins before August 7th
(or call 336.420.9706 on August 7th) for weekend access to the office building.
May 8, 2010 - Minutes from the May 8th board meeting
Attachment A: Form 990
Attachment B: FY 10 Q2 P&L
Attachment C: FY 10 Q2 Balance sheet
Attachment D: FY 09 P&L
Attachment E: FY 09 Balance sheet
Attachment F: Modified C.6 form
Attachment G: Modified 7 & 8 Team Single Elimination Brackets
March 10, 2010 - Minutes from the board teleconference meeting
January 15, 2010 - Minutes from the board meeting
Attachment A - CanAm 2009 Survey Results
Attachment B - FY09 Balance Sheet
Attachment C - FY09 Profit & Loss*
*NOTE FROM the NAFA Treasurer: "Upon review of the CanAm 2009 income and expenses on the P&L reports for fiscal year 2008/2009 and for the first fiscal quarter 2009/2010, I certify that the numbers are correct. Upon review, the cost of prizes were inadvertently left off of a manually prepared report that I provided to the ED for his presentation at the January BOD meeting and AGM. This mistake resulted in an understatement of the CanAM 2009 losses.
As noted, we are actively seeking sponsors to help offset expenses for future CanAm events. NAFA has created a sponsorship DVD to help with this effort. Suggestions for potential sponsors are gladly accepted. Please contact me with the company's name, address and contact person and we will promptly make contact. Or, if you just have an idea of a company that you think would be a good sponsor let me know and I will take care of finding the address, etc."
Nancy Garcia, Treasurer
Attachment D - NAFA Year To Date Comparison
Attachment E - FY10 1st Quarter Balance Sheet
Attachment F - FY10 1st Quarter Profit & Loss
January 16, 2010 - Minutes from the AGM
Vote 2009
February 5, 2010 - October 1, 2008 - correction
January 15 & 16, 2010 - Highlights from the board meeting and AGM
October 20, 2009 - BOD teleconference abridged
October 20, 2009 - BOD teleconference press release
August 22, 2009 - Highlights from the board meeting
Attachment A - C5 form
Attachment B - C12 form
Attachment C - Balance Sheet (as of Aug 22, 2009)
Attachment D - Profit & Loss (Oct 2008 - Aug 2009)
August 6, 2009 - Teleconference board meeting minutes
June 18, 2009 - Teleconference board meeting
June 9, 2009 - NAFA Leadership Chat Transcript
May 25, 2009 - Teleconference board meeting
March 21, 2009 - Board meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada
Attachment A - Profit & Loss (Sept 2007 - Oct 2008)
Attachment B - Balance Sheet (as of Sept 30, 2008)
January 15, 2009 - Teleconference
November 29, 2008 - Annual General Meeting Minutes in Montreal, Quebec
November 29, 2008 - Board Meeting in Montreal, Quebec
Attachment A – Draft Profit & Loss (Sept 2007 - Oct 2008)
Attachment B – Draft Balance Sheet (as of Sep 30, 2008)
Attachment C – Rideout Request
August 19, 2008 - Teleconference
August 2, 2008 - Board Meeting in Golden, Colorado
Attachment A – Elimination Races
Attachment B – Balance Sheet (as of Aug 2, 2008)
Attachment C – Profit & Loss (Oct 1, 2007 - Aug 2, 2008)
Attachment D – Hall of Fame and Regional MVP nominations
July 21, 2008 - Teleconference
Attachment 1 – Consent Items
Attachment 2 – Non-Consent Items
June 18, 2008 - Teleconference
May 27, 2008 - Teleconference
February 9, 2008 - Board Meeting in Las Vegas, NV
Attachment A – Profit & Loss – 10-06 to 09-07
Attachment B – Balance Sheet 2-9-08
Attachment C – Profit & Loss – 10-1-07 to 02-09-08
Attachment D – VanWert regional proposal
Attachment E – Craig EJS proposal
Attachment F – Whitney points proposal
December 1, 2007 - Annual General Meeting in Omaha, NE
November 30, 2007 - Board Meeting in Omaha, NE
Attachment A – Profit & Loss – Oct 1 through Nov 28, 2007
Attachment B – Request regarding wheelchairs (permission to post granted by author on 11/27/07)
August 25, 2007 - Board Meeting in Detroit, MI
Attachment A – Rulebook - Schedule of Fees
Attachment B – Rulebook - Measuring
Attachment C – NAFA Futurity Program proposal
Attachment D – Emails regarding legality of flyball box
Attachment E – Photo 1 of flyball box in question
Attachment F – Photo 2 of flyball box in question
Attachment G – Rules Committee Pick-Up Team Draft Rules
Attachment H – Sam Ford proposed Open Class/Performance Team Draft Rules
July 23, 2007 - Board Teleconference
June 20, 2007 - Board Teleconference
April 18, 2007 - Board Teleconference
January 13, 2007 - Board Meeting in Las Vegas, NV
2007 IRS 990 Filing
Profit & Loss – Oct 1 through Nov 28, 2007
Profit & Loss (Oct 2006 - Sept 2007)
December 9, 2006 - Board Meeting in Fitchburg, MA (AGM)
December 8, 2006 - Board Meeting in Fitchburg, MA
September 27, 2006 - Teleconference
August 12, 2006 - Board Meeting in Detroit, MI
June 29, 2006 - Teleconference
March 29, 2006 - Teleconference
February 1, 2006 - World Cynosport® Flyball Championship
January 28, 2006 - Board Meeting in Houston, TX
January 4, 2006 - Teleconference
December 2006 Balance Sheet
December 2006 Profit & Loss
2006 IRS 990 Filing
November 5, 2005 - Annual General Meeting in Minneapolis, MN
November 4, 2005 - Board Meeting in Minneapolis, MN
October 5, 2005 - Teleconference - October 5
September 7, 2005 - Teleconference
August 18, 2005 - NAFA Futurity Class Announced
August 17, 2005 - Teleconference
August 10, 2005 - Announcements from Detroit Board of Directors Meeting
August 3, 2005 - NAFA Gains Exemption from Ontario Breed Specific Legislation
July 30, 2005 - Board Meeting in Detroit, MI
July 11, 2005 - Teleconference
June 22, 2005 - Teleconference
May 4, 2005 - Teleconference
March 18/19, 2005 - Board Meeting in Los Angeles, CA
January 15, 2005 - Board Meeting in St. Louis, MS
September 2006 Balance Sheet
September 2006 Profit & Loss
2005 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2006)
December 28, 2004 - Teleconference
December 1, 2004 - Teleconference
November 13, 2004 - Board Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ
November 13, 2004 - Annual General Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ
November 12, 2004 - Board meeting in Scottsdale, AZ
2004 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2005)
2003 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2004)
2002 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2003)
2001 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2002)
2000 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2001)
1999 IRS 990 Filing (for fiscal year end 09/30/2000)